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By SneakerHead
"TornadicManiac" ? Never heard of this man before, is there something I am missing, I see a [DONOR] TornadicManiac, now that guys deservers staff, +1 to that dude, not this...this fake!
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By EpicBros
I am very much against all the mindless "+1"-ing that goes on in threads like this.

However, of all minerealm's members I genuinely feel that Torn is the most well suited for modship. He is extremely helpful and accomodating, yet carries himself with dignity unlike many of the busy-bodied "mini mods" who pop up overnight and disappear just as quickly. His longevity goes hand and hand with his consistency of being known as a stand up guy/player, and I do believe the responsibilities of modship would not go to his head.

While in the past there have been some players whose promotion to mod was ahead scratcher, I believe having Torn as a member of staff is a no-brainer.

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I support this staff app simply because torn is one of the most friendly players i have ever met on minerealm. He is always watching over people and trying to stop arguments in chat. He always keeps a level head no matter what. Therefore i wish him the best of luck. If this doesn't help maybe a cat will hurry up the process
Hurry up.jpg
Hurry up.jpg (10.21 KiB) Viewed 14940 times
nightmarelord11 wrote:I support this staff app simply because torn is one of the most friendly players i have ever met on minerealm. He is always watching over people and trying to stop arguments in chat. He always keeps a level head no matter what. Therefore i wish him the best of luck. If this doesn't help maybe a cat will hurry up the process
However there was hat time where Torn broke the spawn... You dont wanna know the rest.

Also your one of the lucky people Torn. To actually have intelli treat you like you exist? Wow...
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