- Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:20 pm

Interested in showing your support?
MineRealm now accepts donations in Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin.
By donating bitcoins, you'll receive tokens that can be spent in-game!
Tokens can be spent in-game for custom tags, lounge access, and more! (benefits/availability may vary)
The exact number of tokens you'll receive is displayed on the donation page.
To donate bitcoins for tokens, go here:
Not interested in tokens?
We accept direct donations at the following addresses:
Q: What are bitcoins? How do I get them?
A: You can obtain bitcoins by following our guide here: http://minerealm.com/community/viewtopi ... 12&t=15295
Q: How long will it take to receive my tokens?
A: Donations are typically processed within 30-60 minutes of the payment being sent.
Q: Will I receive a "[Donor]" tag for donating?
A: You can purchase a "[Donor]" tag using tokens in-game by using the "/store" command.
Thanks for your continued support!

Interested in showing your support?
MineRealm now accepts donations in Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin.
By donating bitcoins, you'll receive tokens that can be spent in-game!
Tokens can be spent in-game for custom tags, lounge access, and more! (benefits/availability may vary)
The exact number of tokens you'll receive is displayed on the donation page.
To donate bitcoins for tokens, go here:
Not interested in tokens?
We accept direct donations at the following addresses:
- Bitcoin: 1E9mnshfmWYK3b4iSraKaxKSLEe2wWaE8P
- Litecoin: LceS1Ud1VU9oZbcccaqWVLqSKwhepDVhUw
- Dogecoin: DNJV9AXwsrBWjfPokqSWCYf2dLfQeb9Egj
Q: What are bitcoins? How do I get them?
A: You can obtain bitcoins by following our guide here: http://minerealm.com/community/viewtopi ... 12&t=15295
Q: How long will it take to receive my tokens?
A: Donations are typically processed within 30-60 minutes of the payment being sent.
Q: Will I receive a "[Donor]" tag for donating?
A: You can purchase a "[Donor]" tag using tokens in-game by using the "/store" command.
Thanks for your continued support!
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."