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By SkullRose
I prefer the black one as well :)

And random stuff I like below
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By dlgn

Jokes aside, please don't discuss the contents of the spoiler in this thread—it would almost certainly lead to this thread going up in flames and a lot of anger all around. If you want to reply to it, you can PM me or you can email me at [email protected].

Quote not by me.

And last of all—yes, men have problems too, although most of them don't result from their gender. The point of the contents of this spoiler, however, is to discuss problems faced by teenage girls specifically, so if you plan to message me and say "men have problems too!", please don't. I'm not claiming that all men have great lives, or even that there are no problems that men face as a group. That just isn't what I'm talking about right now.
I don't know what asshole invented the idea that teenage girls are the cause for all evil, but I really hope that person never has to raise one. I don’t want him to see her dissolve in his fingers as society tells her to eat less, be thinner, be the damsel in distress, be something for a man to fix, be different but not too different, be special but never ever a special snowflake - I don’t want him to watch as she realizes that no matter what she loves, she’ll be made fun of for it. She can simply like her coffee from Starbucks and suddenly she’s vapid and thinks herself poetic. She’ll want to play video games but be called a fake nerd, particularly if she poses in any remotely flirtatious way because for some reason despite the entire community playing games with poorly dressed women they still hate it when a real girl wears less clothing, she will be seen as trespassing in a specifically male space - but when she falls in love with a female-based television show for children, she’ll watch as men step on themselves to sexualize it. If she wants old-fashion romance she’s seen as being naive but at the same time is told to keep herself ‘pure’ for some dude that might not hurt her. If she admits to being anything, she makes herself a target. She will be told her worth is based on how much a man values her. She might love to cook but she’ll hate being asked to stay in the kitchen, she might love to read but get told she’s too introverted by half the population and ‘not that special’ by the other. If she loves to go out and party, she’s ‘just another college co-ed,’ if she loves to spend her friday nights watching anime, she’s a shut-in. God forbid she be proud of something: the words “I’m different from other girls” are a death sentence because we live in a society that doesn’t want to see women like that, a society that doesn’t like the idea maybe we all are actually different and not carbon copies of each other, maybe we all would like to feel unique and loved and worth knowing - maybe the real problem is that she will be raised to believe being a girl means silicone and photoshop and dying as a way to move forwards a plot - and she doesn’t want to be seen as that. When she says “I’m not like other girls,” she means she’s not like the girls she sees on tv, these invented two-dimensional creatures that say one line and then get chased down by monsters.

She can try all she likes. She’ll be shut down at every single **** turn. What she doesn’t know is that they’re getting her ready for when she’s grown up because she’ll be so used to being stepped on she’ll just give up. Why respect women when you don’t even respect little girls?

And when she is burning up, when she mentions that her insides are volcanoes and her skin is too thin to contain them: she will be told she is hysterical, that she’s doing it for attention.

I don’t want him to watch as she shuts down, as she learns to live as a paradox, I don’t want him to see her rip herself to shreds in order to be perfect, I don’t want him to realize that there’s no way she’ll get help because she’s only doing what she’s told.
By Lucario
Yo don't know what that last post was about dil, but anyways, I don't mean to offend ya dlgn, I just thought this randomly and don't mean what this says. Also I made this way before you made that post. This has nothing to do with it. Thanks.
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By SkullRose
Deel, I haven't read what you posted yet but why would you post something know it could upset others or cause a dispute?

Edit: I read it. It's an interesting concept, won't say anything further other than there should be no reason for anyone to come in here and blow things out of proportions.
Last edited by SkullRose on Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By dlgn
SkullRose wrote:Deel, I haven't read what you posted yet but why would you post something know it could upset others or cause a dispute?
Because I think it's something that's very important, and worth the risk. That said, I would still prefer not to cause trouble if I can, hence the request.
By eah
dlgn, I feel like this is said in some context. Where is this coming from?

Also, we really need a minerealm-unrelated debate sub forum here, perhaps with an age warning or restriction. Of course we can always do it over PM, but there's no fun without globally announcing your stance on something.
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By dlgn
eah2119 wrote:dlgn, I feel like this is said in some context. Where is this coming from?
I (along with the author of the quote) am quite frustrated with the pervasive culture that constantly forces teenage girls into these stereotypes.
Also, we really need a minerealm-unrelated debate sub forum here, perhaps with an age warning or restriction. Of course we can always do it over PM, but there's no fun without globally announcing your stance on something.
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By Meowrocket
To all whom it may concern, I was shot in the shoulder during a fight between two gangs- I was caught in the crossfire, and I was lucky I escaped with only one wound.

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