- Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:12 pm
I don't know how to wiki so I'll put this here. Anybody who makes an article about Citadel, FailEnterprises, me, or Highway 42, and so on will be forever known to be awesome people. Thanks!
towers through the times
Generation: 1
Tower size: 5x5
Floorspace: 3x3
Height: +128 (max)

The very first tower I built on MR1. A short while I joined the server for the first time a mod led me out like fifteen minutes because spawn was already overgrown. I found an nice hill and built a small house and a mine. The tower came a while later and soon enough, I had a simple but imposing tower an a hill! Then I got bored. I was out in the middle nowhere all alone on a multiplayer server. So I started to dig a path back to spawn, using a compass. This became the beginning of the legendary highway 42. MR's only scenic route, even to this date. At the beginning I had little resources so I tried to dig a path rather than build one, although there were some bridges, they were made of dirt and 1 block across. As people started visiting, I cleared out some land at the bottom of the hill and invited people to build, giving them free unlimited land and a very low griefing rate. Because of that, the highway grew and ended up with actual pavement and width, and was linked to Gerp's highway, which Gerp eventually deserted so I took control of the east side.
I built the Citadel type tower on many other servers as well. These servers no longer exist.
Citadel on MVQ
Citadel on Codebite
Generation: Original N/A, Nexus 2 was partially built in generation 6. Nexus 3 was planned but construction never began.
Tower size: 15x15
Floorspace: 11x11
Height: +128 (max)

This tower was built on my friend's server, and was a result of trying to get myself to stop building Citadels, and to expand and be more creative. The Nexus had a more modern, skyscraper-like appearance similar to the WTC towers. Each floor had enough space to for a basic apartment. Each floor had a bed, a large chest, and a workbench arranged like a "real" apartment, minus a bathroom. The top floor was essentially a penthouse suite with a full skylight and a loft. The Nexus towers also had 13th floors, just to spite the superstitious. On Survival MineRealm I attempted to build two of these in my realm. The first one only got to 3 floors before I quit. These towers use A LOT of resources.
More pictures: [1] [2]
Nexus in Lumina on MR Creative
Proto-Monolith (FailEnterprises Office Tower)
Generation: N/A
Tower size: 21x21 + 5x5
Floorspace: 19x19 + 3x3
Height: +128 (max)

I was given OP on my friend's server, so I decided to go big. This is what I got.
More pictures: [1] [2]
Also in the vicinity: Parthenon Replica. I wanted to build the Parthenon. So I did.
Generation: Current
Tower size: 25x25 + 4 (6x7)
Floorspace: 23x23 + 4 (5x5)
Height: +128

The greatest and newest of the FailEnterprises towers! This is only possible on Creative, even as an OP on my friend's server I'll never be able to spawn enough diamond blocks to do this.
More pictures [1] [2]
Pictures of its construction [1] [2] [3]
towers through the times
Generation: 1
Tower size: 5x5
Floorspace: 3x3
Height: +128 (max)

The very first tower I built on MR1. A short while I joined the server for the first time a mod led me out like fifteen minutes because spawn was already overgrown. I found an nice hill and built a small house and a mine. The tower came a while later and soon enough, I had a simple but imposing tower an a hill! Then I got bored. I was out in the middle nowhere all alone on a multiplayer server. So I started to dig a path back to spawn, using a compass. This became the beginning of the legendary highway 42. MR's only scenic route, even to this date. At the beginning I had little resources so I tried to dig a path rather than build one, although there were some bridges, they were made of dirt and 1 block across. As people started visiting, I cleared out some land at the bottom of the hill and invited people to build, giving them free unlimited land and a very low griefing rate. Because of that, the highway grew and ended up with actual pavement and width, and was linked to Gerp's highway, which Gerp eventually deserted so I took control of the east side.
I built the Citadel type tower on many other servers as well. These servers no longer exist.
Citadel on MVQ
Citadel on Codebite
Generation: Original N/A, Nexus 2 was partially built in generation 6. Nexus 3 was planned but construction never began.
Tower size: 15x15
Floorspace: 11x11
Height: +128 (max)

This tower was built on my friend's server, and was a result of trying to get myself to stop building Citadels, and to expand and be more creative. The Nexus had a more modern, skyscraper-like appearance similar to the WTC towers. Each floor had enough space to for a basic apartment. Each floor had a bed, a large chest, and a workbench arranged like a "real" apartment, minus a bathroom. The top floor was essentially a penthouse suite with a full skylight and a loft. The Nexus towers also had 13th floors, just to spite the superstitious. On Survival MineRealm I attempted to build two of these in my realm. The first one only got to 3 floors before I quit. These towers use A LOT of resources.
More pictures: [1] [2]
Nexus in Lumina on MR Creative
Proto-Monolith (FailEnterprises Office Tower)
Generation: N/A
Tower size: 21x21 + 5x5
Floorspace: 19x19 + 3x3
Height: +128 (max)

I was given OP on my friend's server, so I decided to go big. This is what I got.
More pictures: [1] [2]
Also in the vicinity: Parthenon Replica. I wanted to build the Parthenon. So I did.
Generation: Current
Tower size: 25x25 + 4 (6x7)
Floorspace: 23x23 + 4 (5x5)
Height: +128

The greatest and newest of the FailEnterprises towers! This is only possible on Creative, even as an OP on my friend's server I'll never be able to spawn enough diamond blocks to do this.
More pictures [1] [2]
Pictures of its construction [1] [2] [3]