Post any ideas / suggestions for the game servers here.
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Make it so /chat includes Buddy messages.
Make a new command for Buddy messages.
Leave it how it is.
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When you disable chat using /chat, buddy messages remain, but what happens if your trying to make your buddy messages disappear too!

Here's my ideas.

1) Make it so the command /chat turns off both normal chat and buddy messages.

2) Create a new command, /buddy chat or /buddy messages - This would turn off just buddy messages.

If you select other in the poll, please explain in a reply.
By ewana1991
problem with that Roob is that /g /b and /m are all how you send those messages :/

i'd suggest /msgs or /pms as a command to shut down buddy, guild and private messages :)
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By Intelli
but what happens if your trying to make your buddy messages disappear too!
Remove your buddies.
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