Post any ideas / suggestions for the game servers here.
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By Intelli
Found something that needs fixing?

Please post it in this thread, rather than making a topic, or a comment in a non-relevant topic.

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By kinasaka
the map isnt updateing via foum.....

also the road idea i msg'd you how and when can you enforce that?

prolly shoulndt be here but this is your most recent post so trol lolol?

also here's somethign i know should be here, I was picking up invis block of cobble for soem reason o.O
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By Intelli
Map issue should be fixed. It should update tonight.
By Wxclm
I don't know if it is just me or not... But the images on the home page eg. Top 5 creations, seem to not be loading and show an error.
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By maca930
I have the same problem as wxclm and also, when using shears on a private realm on leaves, I expected it to revert back to normal but it didn't.
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By johnnklein
1. dispensers can be looted, even in private realms.

2. all the entity values in a chunk of my realm were deleted, so basically all the chests in that chunk are empty and the signs are blank. I don't believe this was a thieving incident because I only let people into my realm that I trust deeply. And some of the chests were in unreachable areas. (I have dirt in the doorway so nobody can get in)

Look into this matter please.
By Deimos
johnnklein wrote:2. all the entity values in a chunk of my realm were deleted, so basically all the chests in that chunk are empty and the signs are blank.
I have/had the same problem in my storage room
Only lost some Sandstone and dirt, this time.
By Bonejunky
I found a bug!!!

When a message from BriskFM comes up and you try to /reply to someone, it says:
Player "Server" is not online.
I have never noticed this until the notification system for the radio was implemented.
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