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[IMPLEMENTED] Suggestion: Change hopper-alt-ticking to true

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:02 pm
by eah
For those who don’t know, hoppers on minerealm do not function as they should. This breaks many hopper machines which rely on precise timing. They require redesign in order to work properly which can often be difficult or impossible. The reason for having hoppers this way is to reduce lag - at the cost of vanilla hopper behavior.

In the past, we’ve tried switching back to vanilla ticking. However, the server can’t keep a steady 20 ticks per second this way.

Recently, spigot, a branch of the minecraft server that minerealm uses, gained a configuration option which aims to reduce the time spent updating hoppers while preserving vanilla hopper behavior. This can potentially harbor greater use and flexibility of hoppers including, but not limited to, auto smelters, auto potion brewers, and auto shops.

I think and I hope many of us want this change. It’s a delight to have these machines and a greater delight to have a lag free server.

Specific details:

The way hoppers normally update involves polling each hopper each tick and if, for example, a hopper sits in free space, it constantly looks for inventories around it to push to and pull from. Contrary to what you would think, hoppers which are not doing anything are terribly laggy. Hoppers which are doing something only perform every 8 ticks and, as such, are somewhat less laggy.

hopper-alt-ticking solves this problem by avoiding updating hoppers which do not need it (for example, a hopper with no inventories around it). However, this means that active hoppers will be more laggy. Put simply, hopper-alt-ticking decreases ticking time for idle hoppers and increases ticking time for active hoppers. I’ve done tests and, for what I believe to be the case, this change should be at least an improvement on vanilla ticking. However, it may still be too laggy. It’s only something that can be tested. As with my last hopper suggestion, this can be reverted under intelli’s discretion. Though, I hope it will be implemented ASAP seeing as it involves changing just one word in a file. I can wait for a major update, but I prefer not to.

You can see exact details and the actual code at including quantitative data on which is the best option performance-wise.

TL;DR: I want to change hoppers so they act like they should. If this lowers the TPS, change back.

Re: Suggestion: Change hopper-alt-ticking to true

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:09 pm
by Bu1ld0g
Voted yes for testing at the very least.

Re: Suggestion: Change hopper-alt-ticking to true

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:44 am
by Sandsnake
It's worth a looksie for sure.

Re: Suggestion: Change hopper-alt-ticking to true

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:01 pm
by eah
Intelli wrote:Idea Acceptance
In order to have your idea accepted to be implemented, it must meet the listed requirements, as well as having at least 70% of the votes on the poll being yes. As well, ideas must have a minimum of 20 votes within 48 hours of being suggested, or it will be rejected.
Just a heads up: this needs 6 more votes.

Re: [ACCEPTED] Suggestion: Change hopper-alt-ticking to true

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:36 am
by river33
Is there going to be any heads up to when this is implemented? I would very much like to make some awesome things with Hoppers.